The development strategy of Concern Avtomatika aims to increase the scale of activities through the release of high-tech civilian products.
The Concern’s mission is to develop products and services aimed at creating comfortable conditions for the development of customers’ business, increasing the availability of communication services, safe transfer of information processing and storage, solving social problems of the general population and improving the quality of life.
The Concern’s activities are based on the priorities formulated in the strategic documents:
- Decree of the President of Russia of 5/7/2018. No. 204 “On National Goals and Strategic Objectives for the Development of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2024”,
- The program ‘The Digital Economy of the Russian Federation until 2025”,
- The Development Strategy of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for the period until 2030,
- Development Strategy of Rostec State Corporation until 2025.
Key tasks in the activities of Concern Avtomatika:
- creating an effective sales system,
- attracting investment in the implementation of science-intensive projects on civilian topics and projects for the production of dual-use products,
- obtaining an access to new high-tech markets for civilian products, including foreign markets,
- increasing the scientific and technological level of organizations of the Holding Company,
- increased operational efficiency,
- partnership development.
Concern Avtomatika plans to enter new fast-growing markets by:
- Expansion of its product range, the creation and launch on new markets of competitive civilian and dual-use products;
- Participation in the implementation of complex, large-scale state projects, such as: Digital Economy, Development of the Arctic Zone, GLONASS, Information Society, Protection of Critical Infrastructure, Implementation of 374-FZ and other projects;
- Mergers and acquisitions, implementation of the investment program, including with the attraction of private capital;
- Creation of joint ventures with commercial companies for the development of sales of civilian products;
- Development of export sales of civilian products.
Concern Avtomatika plans to increase innovative activity in the following promising technological areas:
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning;
- Quantum technology, post-quantum cryptography;
- Remote Identification Technologies, Biometrics;
- Information security, cyber security;
- Distributed Registry System (blockchain);
- System programming;
- Supercomputer and distributed computing;
- The Internet of things (the industrial Internet);
- Communication technologies (wired, wireless, satellite).
Concern Avtomatika plans to accelerate technological re-equipment, expand and modernize existing facilities, introduce additive technologies and create modern benchmarks for scientific research by participating in the State Program “Development of the Military and Industrial Complex”.
Centralization of R&D management involves:
- Developing a unified comprehensive program of scientific and technical development of the Holding Company.
- Building a centralized system for managing and coordinating R&D.
- Ensuring the coherence of innovative and investment development programs and technical re-equipment programs.
Concern Avtomatika plans to increase its operational efficiency by:
- Consolidation of assets and the formation of centers of technological skills;
- Identification and partial sale of non-core assets;
- Improving the efficiency of capital project management;
- Increased capacity utilization;
- Enhancing internal cooperation;
- Automation of the main and auxiliary business processes;
- Formation of mechanisms for the redistribution of resources between organizations of the Holding Company.
Partnership Development
The creation of joint ventures in order to attract additional investment, acquire the necessary competencies (both technological and managerial), as well as expand access to markets is one of the key areas of the development strategy of Concern Avtomatika.
In the foreseeable future, until 2021, Concern Avtomatika plans to develop at an accelerated pace and achieve revenue of 64.8 billion rubles in core activities, which will exceed the planned target of the Strategy by 30 billion rubles, while the share of revenue from sales of civilian products will be not less than 60 %.
The effective implementation of research and development, the implementation of projects for the modernization of production capacities and active actions in the markets for civilian products allow Concern Avtomatika to count on a multiple increase in basic financial and economic indicators by 2030.